Surprising uses of a makeup setting spray

When it comes to our makeup products, you will be surprised to know that most of the products that we own are well capable of doing things beyond their ability. And we would love nothing but to have those wondrous products that can be used flexibly and come to our rescue when nothing else can. Of all such beauty products that we own, a makeup setting spray is going to be our pick today. And it is one thing that every makeup junkie owns and probably cannot continue their day without spritzing this product on their face for finishing touch. It is one of the most important products to have in every girl’s vanity, granting the fact that it prevents your makeup from melting or coming off during summers and rainy season.
While it does help to lock your makeup in and keep it sweat-proof, there’s so much more to this product than it’s known. We have put together a list of all the wonderful uses of a makeup setting spray that will make you appreciate this product even more.

Gives your makeup a refreshing touch

Although the main job of a makeup setting spray is to lock your makeup in place and prevent it from melting or coming off, you can easily use it to refresh your makeup throughout the day as well. As the day goes by, makeup starts to look very dull and faded; however, you can keep it looking fresh by spritzing a makeup setting spray on your face. This won’t only make your makeup feel fresh but will also make it long-wear. Also, be generous with the amount and make sure to let the product get completely dry before you get going.

Helps you get an airbrushed look

Foundation base that looks absolutely flawless is a big achievement in itself and the way your foundation looks completely depends on the technique. Using the right technique to apply foundation will also help you get a flawless base and an easy way to give yourself an airbrushed look is by using a makeup setting spray. Spritz some setting spray on a damp makeup sponge to apply the foundation and this trick will help in giving your foundation a very natural and airbrushed finish.

Enhance the color of the eyeshadow

Your eye makeup can be a complete game-changer for your look, but it’s also extremely hard to make it stay put for good long hours without it getting smudged or faded. This thing especially happens when you’re trying to create a bold eye look using a shimmer eyeshadow. But there’s a way you can prevent this thing from happening. Before taking the eyeshadow on a makeup brush, spritz some setting spray on the same brush and then collect the eyeshadow on it. This trick won’t only make your eyeshadow last longer but will also intensify the color and prevent fallout.

Prevent your eyeliner from smudging

It only takes one excuse for the eyeliner to get smudged, no matter if it’s a liquid or pencil eyeliner. One easy way to fix this problem is by using a makeup setting spray. This trick is quite similar to the above one, take a flat eyeliner brush and spritz some makeup setting spray on it before applying the eyeliner on your lash line. Oily lids are more susceptible to having such smudgy situations, therefore, it’s best that you use this technique to apply eyeliner.
Keep concealer from creasing
Some concealer formulas can get creased very easily, especially when they are applied on the under-eye area. The concealer can settle into the fine lines and wrinkles, which can look very unflattering. If you’re one of those people facing this issue, there’ a way you can deal with this problem. Spritz some makeup setting spray on a concealer brush and use it to apply the product under your eyes. This will make sure that the concealer blends seamlessly and doesn’t get creased.

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