While we’re stuck at home, we are overwhelmed with so many hair care steps that can actually ruin our hair.
In the feed, we’re sharing with you some hair things you should not do during the lockdown.
Not To Over Wash Your Hair
If you’ve oily scalp we know how that feels. Oily scalp compels us to wash our hair every other day but that’s something not good for our hair.
Even if you have an oily scalp make sure you’re not washing your hair more than twice a week and too with a mild cleanser. Whenever you wash your hair prefer washing with cold water as cold water locks in the moisture and your hair feels hydrated and nourished.
Say No To Heat Styling
The best thing during this lockdown is you can skip using heat styling tools on your hair. Since you’re working from home and don’t go out much we don’t think so your hair needs the heat that comes out of the heat styling tools.
By saying no to the heat styling tools throughout the lockdown you’re making your hair to reverse the damage caused and heal naturally.
So, take up the challenge of not using the heat styling tools and you’ll see a huge difference in the quality of your tresses. The tresses will feel much more soft and shiny.
Not To Tie Your Hair In A Bun
Since you’ll be staying at the home, you’ll feel to tie your hair in a bun. That’s something really comfortable as the hair will not irritate you but keeping your hair all the time in a bun actually damages the roots of your hair and that leads to hair fall.
So, make sure not to tie your hair in a bun, if you want you can tie your hair in a braid that will also help in growing your tresses long.
Too Much Oiling
We all know how much beneficial hair oiling is? There is no substitute for hair oiling but as they say, excess of everything is dangerous and the same goes for hair oiling.
Too much hair oiling causes hair to fall. We know while referring to too many hair care steps you must be thinking oiling your hair every other day is good and will speed up the benefit. But, if you’re using too much oil onto your hair and that too every other day we’re sorry to say, honey! But you’re damaging your hair rather than causing any benefit.
So, make sure you oil your hair not more than twice a week.
Trimming Your Hair On Your Own
We know salons are closed and you need a hair cut but cutting your hair at home is not a good idea. It might look fancy and appealing as your fave influencer is doing it but the foolish act actually ruins your hair.
First of all, you’re not a professional so you don’t know the right technique.
Second, you don’t have the right tools and since you’re not using the right tools you can damage the hair ends.
And, lastly, you’ll cut your hair unevenly and it will grow accordingly.
These were a few things you should not do with your hair while at home. We know you all want to achieve your hair goals during this lockdown. But, excessively using any hair care step will ruin your hair. So avoid using such steps more than required.
We hope you found our feed helpful and stay safe and happy!
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