5 Hair Care Habits You Can Follow During The Lockdown

Looking for some healthy hair care habits during this lockdown? Well, then we have gathered a few hair care habits that will do the world of good to the quality of your hair. If you want to know what are the 5 hair care habits keep on reading!

Scalp Exfoliation

We all regularly exfoliate our skin, our body then why not exfoliate our scalp? The Korean hair care ritual guarantees hair growth and thick hair and not only that by doing this you ensure your scalp is in a healthy state. It boosts natural oil production that helps in keeping your scalp nourished and also if you’re suffering from scalp ailments such as dandruff, scalp exfoliation will help in getting rid of such ailments.
To do scalp exfoliation with all-natural ingredients all you have to do is prepare a DIY scalp scrub and for that all you need is-
• One tablespoon of sugar, one tablespoon of lemon, and coconut oil.
• Mix well until the sugar becomes little less firm
• Run the mixture onto the scalp and gently exfoliate for about 5 minutes.
• Rinse your hair with cold water.

Hair Oiling

Our busy lives made us skip the nighttime hair oiling sessions but since we’re confined at home, working from our home it’s the best time to feed our hair with a healthy diet. We all know the benefits of hair oiling so let’s not just go on that.
We have a lot of time so; we’re here with an amazing hair oil recipe that will stimulate hair growth. All you need is
• Take any carrier oil such as coconut oil (about 50 ml) and add a handful of fenugreek seeds to it.
• Store the oil in an air-tight container for about a week that will ensure all the benefits of fenugreek seeds get fully soaked up in the oil.
• After one week, massage the hair oil to the scalp and on the hair edges.
• Keep it overnight and the next morning, rinse your hair with cold water and a mild cleanser.

Say No To Heat Styling

The best thing we can do for our hair during this lockdown is to say no to heat styling. As we are confined at home we don’t have anything huge to attend we can ditch hairstyling and embrace our hair naturally.
While we hold up the hairstyling our hair will naturally reverse the damage caused so far and will grow out. If you have a zoom meeting to attend you can braid your hair or do a bun in that way you’ll avoid curling or straightening your hair.
So, let’s take the challenge of not using heat styling tools during the complete lockdown.

Regularly Use A Hair Mask

During lockdown each day is Sunday, so we will not say you to allot Sundays for some DIY hair care masks. As you can do that any day. Our busy lives didn’t allow us to pamper our hair and now our hair truly deserves both the time and the attention.
Make sure you regularly apply a hair mask to your hair. We have a few hair mask recipes that will keep your locks healthy.
• Coconut Oil+ Banana+ Lemon
• Honey+ Almond Oil
• Fenugreek Seeds paste+ Avocado+ Mustard Oil

Eat Healthy

What you feed your hair from inside governs the quality of your hair. If you have a healthy diet that will make your hair strong and shiny for sure. So, make sure you have a healthy diet full of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals if you really want to achieve the hair goals.
Add eggs, fish, pumpkin, yogurt, nuts, avocado, whole grains to your diet and also drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.

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